MovingAhead Project History

In 2015 and 2016, community input helped identify five key corridors for future investment and the vision for those investments:

  • Highway 99
  • River Road
  • Coburg Road
  • MLK, Jr. Blvd.
  • 30th Avenue to LCC

In 2017 and 2018, based on community preferences and technical analysis for each of these corridors, the City and LTD bundled proposed investment options into packages that included combinations of three alternatives in each corridor:

  • No-Build
  • Enhanced Corridor
  • EmX

Over summer and fall 2018 and again in 2019, the City and LTD gathered valuable input from the community.

In spring 2019, we asked the community for input on the proposed investment packages. Based on that community feedback and additional technical analysis, we updated the investment packages.

In summer and fall 2019, we gathered community feedback on the Preferred Investment Package. Originally drafted in March 2020, the Comment Response Report was updated in May 2021 and includes this feedback. Download the Comment Response Report to read what community members had to say.

Staff put together a technical team recommendation that combined all the feedback from the community with the analysis the team completed over the years. You can learn more about the recommendations in this interactive StoryMap or through the memo shared with LTD’s Strategic Planning Committee and the MovingAhead Oversight Committee.

On May 26, 2021, Eugene City Council and Lane Transit District’s Board of Directors held a joint work session to review the results of the October 21, 2019 public hearing and associated public comment period. View a recording of the joint work session.

In March 2022, the Eugene City Council and Lane Transit District (LTD) Board of Directors approved the MovingAhead Locally Preferred Alternatives (LPA), the conceptual vision for the five MovingAhead corridors:

  • Highway 99: Enhanced Corridor
  • River Road: EmX
  • 30th Avenue to Lane Community College (LCC) via downtown: No-Build
  • Coburg Road: Enhanced Corridor
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard: Enhanced Corridor

The Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) established a high-level vision for each corridor. An LPA on a corridor means the City of Eugene and LTD will continue to study and refine that alternative, but not other proposed alternatives. Project implementation will require detailed design and engineering as well as continued consultation with key stakeholders.

You can learn more about individual corridor recommendations and conceptual designs in the project’s Alternatives Analysis, Executive Summary, and in the accompanying technical reports. You can also find links to recordings of Eugene City Council and LTD Board meetings. These documents and more are available in the Project Library.

Watch recent meetings with Eugene City Council or LTD’s Board:

  • Feb. 28: Eugene City Council and LTD Board Joint Work Session – staff presented an update to the Council and Board, including recommendations from the project’s committees.
  • March 14: Eugene City Council Work Session – City Council adopted Locally Preferred Alternatives.
  • March 16: LTD Board Meeting – the LTD Board adopted Locally Preferred Alternatives.